Special Offers
We offer a number of special deals to help you save money on car washes.
$2 Off Deluxe Wash
Save $2 on a Deluxe Wash with Coupon Code 9325
$2 Off Premium Wash
Save $2 on a Premium Wash with Coupon Code 9327
Early Bird Special
Come in Monday through Friday, from 8 to 10 AM, and get a $13 Deluxe Wash for just $10!
Free Birthday Washes
Is it your birthday? Simply show us your license to receive a free wash!
Rain Checks
Did it start to rain after you left our facility? Don’t worry! We offer Rain Checks up to 24 hours after you’ve purchased your wash!
Fleet Accounts
Do you own a business with a large fleet of cars or vans? Talk to us about setting up a Fleet Program to keep your fleet looking good!
Website Exclusive Gift Card Offer
Simply mention this coupon when purchasing a Gift Card in-store and automatically receive 25% more value than what you spend!
(i.e. Spend $100, receive a card worth $125.)
This is up from our normal 20% bonus.
In-store only.